Convert Hex,RGB,CMYK To Pantone PMS Color
If you are related with color business or products.
You may need to convert rgb to PMS or convert CMYK to PMS for factory.
We can not find the right PMS Color if my computer do not have software Photoshop or Illustrator.
It is always the Problem we meet and now We offer a tool that can help you that combine the HEX,Pantone Match Color(PMS),RGB,CMYK,HSV.
It means You can only need to know one of them.It will tell you the conversion between others.
- Pantone cmyk conversion
- Convert pms to rgb or rgb to pms
- Convert pms to hex or hex to pms
- Convert pms to CMYK or CMYK to pms
User Manual
- Click the Colorful Area or Fill CMYK or RGB,HSV,HEX form Directly
- If the color less than what you need?You can Click select by chosing a more color option.conversion between cmyk number,rgb color,Hex color,pms color,HSV color
Convert Hex To Rgb
RGB color mode is an industry standard color which is through the red (R), green (G), blue (B)
as well as changes in the three color channels superimposed on each other to obtain a wide range of between colors,
RGB that is representative of the red, green, and blue color channels, an image of the RGB components of each pixel is assigned a value within 0 to 255. The intensity range.
Hex full name is Intel HEX which is an ASCII with lines of text Intel HEX file format posed.
In the Intel HEX , each line contains one HEX record. These records from the corresponding machine language code and / or hex-encoded
digital data composed of constants. The Hex colors are
used in hexadecimal coding constituted, it can be converted by the RGB color.
Convert CMYK To PMS
For general printing printing, CMYK is a popular choice. However, because of limitations cmyk pigment and can not reach a very wide color gamut,
many colors can not cover,such as various natural neutral colors, fluorescent colors and metallic colors. So PMS provides a wider color gamut for selection.
CMYK color format is generally four-color (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) in printer.
Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a more accurate Pantone color gamut system developed by nine kinds of colors and five kinds of metallic colors composition.
The new system is constantly updated with new color, so that a wider color gamut.
Convert RGB To PMS
In AI design software how to match PMS 144C Color 's RGB color ..
This may need to try by yourself.You can try R: 232, G: 122, B: 63 to see if the color you want?
It is real waste a lot time.Why not use our tool?
Find Pantone Color From Image
The Tool above is for professional user who knows the one of the cmyk number,rgb color,Hex color,pms color,HSV color..But if You only have a image and need to know the pantone color.You can find a More convenient tool here. It is our new Find Pantone Color From Image Just Upload your Digital proof or artwork or even your mockup.It will help you to analyse the color on the image.
What is RGB Color?

RGB is for Screen and CMYK is for Printing.That is simple different.Because everytime we do the digital proof and send it to factory
They will convert pms to CMYK and then go to next.
Our Screen Create Color by using Three Color,They are RGB(Red, Green and Blue),
So if you need to know what is the RGB From a Image or need to con
What is HEX Color?

Hex Color is a Hexadecimal Color Code Which used on the Flash and website.EveryTime you
click and a screen will help you to find the correct color.That is what we call HEX.
What is CMYK Color?

CMYK is design for printing logo and is also used to describe the printing process itself,It is different with RGB(Screen Showing Color),
So you May need a tool to convert from pms to cmyk or cmyk to pms..It include the C:Cyan,M:Magenta,Y:Yellow,K:Key Plate(black)..